Provider Down

A Provider Down error in BlockWallet means that our failover proxy has exhausted all working options for communicating with the blockchain. When this error occurs, you'll see a banner on your home screen and on most transaction screens. This banner provides you with a one click solution to switch to a backup RPC provider to fetch balances and create new transactions.

Please note that switching to the backup provider or selecting a different provider manually will remove the protection provided by our Privacy Proxy.

If you are experiencing Provider Down error and do not have any urgent actions to perform, we kindly suggest you wait it out. If you need to check your balances, you can use an explorer like etherscan or its equivalent on different networks.

Provider Down Scenarios

There are several scenarios in which you will see the Provider Down error:

Default Provider is Down: If both our default RPC providers or parts of our infrastructure are experiencing issues, it's best to wait for the situation to normalize. If you need to perform urgent actions on the blockchain, you can switch to the backup provider by clicking the "Switch" button. Our community managers will provide updates on the progress of fixing the issue on our Telegram channel.

Backup Provider is Active: When the backup provider is active, you'll see a banner on the home screen reminding you that you're using the backup provider and that you're not protected by the Privacy Proxy at the moment.

Default Provider is Up: When the default provider is active again, you'll receive a notification and can switch back to the default provider.

Please note that BlockWallet cannot automate this process as you have full control of the RPC settings in your wallet.

Custom Provider is Down: If you've selected an RPC provider manually and it's not working correctly, you'll see a banner on the home screen similar to the default provider scenario. You'll have the option to switch to the default provider for the network.

In any of these scenarios, the banner on the home screen will provide a solution with just one click. If you are still unable to solve your issue check out out Telegram for general solutions or open a support request in our Discord.

  1. Join the BlockWallet Discord.
  2. Verify your account and navigate to the Support section.
  3. Select the Open Support Ticket option under the #create-ticket channel.

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