What Makes Gnosis Chain Different
Community-driven Approach
Gnosis differentiates itself from other blockchains with its community-driven approach. Unlike traditional centralised systems, Gnosis Chain is created by nodes run by thousands of ordinary people around the globe. The decentralization of nodes ensures that Gnosis is neutral, resilient, diverse and credible. Gnosis has a strong culture of homestakers running nodes from their homes, which are not reliant on cloud providers or data centers. The community-driven approach also provides an excellent opportunity for a new generation of node runners to learn and contribute to a more inclusive blockchain ecosystem.
Low Entry Barrier
Another key feature that distinguishes Gnosis Chain from other blockchains is its low entry barrier. Gnosis only requires one GNO, which is approximately $110 at Feb 2023, to start. In contrast, Ethereum, one of the most popular blockchains, requires 32 ETH, which is approximately $53,000 at Feb 2023. This means that more people can participate in the ecosystem, making it much more inclusive . This feature aligns with Gnosis' aim to be a learning ground for a new generation of noderunners.
Same Client Software as Ethereum
Gnosis Chain runs the same composite client software and tooling stack as Ethereum, with minor parameter tweaks. This means that developers and noderunners who are already familiar with Ethereum's client software and tooling stack can easily transition to Gnosis. Furthermore, its compatibility with Ethereum creates the potential for interoperability between the two networks, leading to more opportunities for collaboration, development and innovation within the blockchain ecosystem.