Create a New Account

After installing BlockWallet and importing your seed phrase or creating a new one, you will see a default account in your wallet.

You can create more accounts easily and they are all derived and therefore recoverable using your seed phrase.

Create an account

  • Click the BlockWallet logo on home, next to your account name and address.
    Create a new BW acc 1.jpg
  • Click Create Account.
    Create a new BW acc 2.jpg
  • Type in your desired account name. By default, the name of the account will be "Account X", with the variable X representing the sequential number of wallets that exist for your account. 
  • Click Create.
    Create a new BW acc 8.jpg

Congratulations, you have created a new blockchain account that you can use to receive and send funds, perform swaps and bridges and interact with DApps. Keep in mind that you can easily change between Accounts by Clicking the BlockWallet Icon and choosing your old account name.

Start with BlockWallet
